Apostles Updates 33

by fifmi

August 24, 2011

Dear Friends   


Special greetings to all the intercessors,


Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His mercy endures forever. We thank God for 12 people who received the Lord Jesus Christ whole heartedly in a service held by Dr. Eunor. There is joy in heaven when one sinner repents. Praise the Lord. Your prayers make all the difference in the lives of Baba & Amai and the work they do. Your reward is certain. Let’s keep the prayers going. The best gift we can send Baba & Amai is PRAYER – go ahead and send your gift. 

This week:  

  1. Pray for the Servant and Apostles of God, Drs Ezekiel & Eunor Guti for God to daily give them divine strength. Let’s continue to pray for Baba’s leg. We know that our God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask or think, according to the power that is at work within us. Ephesians 3:20. Let’s command the leg to hear the word of the Lord. God has already promised to do what we ask according to His will.
  2. Pray for the Good News Deliverance Explos to be held in Australia. The first one starts this Thursday August 25 – 28, 2011 in Canberra. Pray for Dr. Eunor Guti and the explo team. Pray for the demonstration of the power of God in every meeting. Pray for journey mercies for those that are traveling.     
  3. Pray for the transportation of the X-ray equipment for the  Mbuya Dorcas Health Center (our Hospital). Pray that the process goes well so the equipment arrives on time and we are able to open the hospital SOON.
  4. Pray for the building of ZEGU – Pray that the foundations of the buildings will be completed before the rainy season starts. The Admin block walls are going up. The Faculty of Theology building has the foundation almost complete. Pray for the working of ZEGU talents so people receive their miracles.
  5. Pray for God to provide 3 new vehicles that are needed for the work in Zimbabwe. This is a burden that Baba is carrying for these 3 departments. Pray that God raises people who will help carry the burden.  
  6. Pray for the FIF missionaries around the world that God protects them and they are not affected by the spirit of the nation in which they have been sent. When they are affected they will not be able to fulfill their  mission as their focus will have shifted. 
  7. Pray for the upcoming relaunch of the ZAOGA FIFMI Global Website <www.fifmi.org> which is now almost complete but needs the prayers of the saints.  The new website will improve the distribution of news and information to all churches, and will help church members worldwide stay connected and share what God is doing.  It will feature a new online store that will enable people worldwide to have access to Books and DVDs. Pray that God provides breakthroughs for the team who are working, and opens doors for faster internet connections in Zimbabwe. 

Teaching: As we work talents we have to keep believing God for miracles because God is getting ready to show His faithfulness to His servant Ezekiel through us. Especially those who believe for the miracles. Let each one desire to be one of them. Mark 5:26 Jesus said to Jairus, "do not be afraid; only believe". People of God we are encouraged to fear not but only believe. Mark 9:23 "if you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes". Mark 11:22 – Have the God kind of faith. God spoke and He watches over His word to perform it. God bless you


We love you and are praying for you,
Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai


Dr. La-Verne Simukai Simango
ZAOGA Forward in Faith Ministries Int.
cell: +1 678 468 0020
[email protected] | www.fifmi.org

International Headquarters
13 A Powell Rd  Waterfalls
Harare, Zimbabwe
P. +263 4 2922957/8/6, +263 4 2923004/5/2/3,
+263 4 2927921/3/2


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