by fifmi | Nov 17, 2015 | News Archives
Forward in Faith Dominican Republic is here! God will not cease establishing His great work which is now all over the Caribbean Islands, and He’s done it again in this great Latin American nation. The same impact that took place in Jamaica, Cayman Islands,...
by fifmi | Nov 17, 2015 | News Archives
Forward in Faith Ministries International is growing and growing! We are pleased to announce that God is continuing to grow, strengthen and establish the new Forward in Faith church which was planted in Jamaica on Thursday September 17, 2015. Since its...
by fifmi | Nov 16, 2015 | Apostles Update Archives
Dear Friends The God we serve has shown Himself faithful again. The license for the Mbuya Dorcs Hospital Maternity ward and ICU (Intensive Care Unit) has been granted. Hallelujah! Plans are to start operating in December. Somebody give God some...
by fifmi | Nov 9, 2015 | Apostles Update Archives
Dear Friends Santo Domingo for Jesus! Wednesday night our mother Dr. Eunor spoke on the Holy Spirit and seven people received the baptism with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Wednesday night we had a total of 78 people. They were...
by fifmi | Nov 2, 2015 | Apostles Update Archives
Dear Friends Here in Santo Domingo the God of our father continues to do marvelous things. The church is marching on, the gates of hell can not prevail. An interim committee has been put to facilitate the registration of the church which...
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