Apostles Update Week 34

Apostles Update Week 34

Dear Friends, CAYMAN ISLANDS We give God all the glory and praise for all He continues to do in the church. We want to thank God that from the 2-6 August 2023, Elders Mutomba and Pedzisayi traveled well to Zimbabwe to join the rest of the Forward in Faith family in...
Apostles Update Week 33

Apostles Update Week 33

Dear Friends,   In this new season we are grateful to be part of a church that is going somewhere. The Angel of this church continues to move with the church of God. We are receiving testimonies of the great things God did and continues to do in the lives of...
Apostles Update Week 32

Apostles Update Week 32

Dear Friends,   We continue to give God glory for His faithfulness and allowing us to live in the same time as His Apostle and Servant Prof Ezekiel H. Guti. What an honor to have witnessed some of the miracles and being able to see him or hear him in the 100...
Apostles Update Week 31

Apostles Update Week 31

Dear Friends,   Grand Celebrations Continued Schools and KMD presentations The great Apostle of our time Archbishop Professor Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti and Archbishop Professor Eunor established several educational institutions across Zimbabwe and Liberia...
Apostles Update Week 29

Apostles Update Week 29

Dear Friends, INTERNATIONAL SUNDAYApostle Dr. Steve Simukai was exhorting the members of ZAOGA FIFMI worldwide that our father did not only preach a total gospel but also established a structure to govern the church into the future. Emphasizing that even though we are...