The FIFMI International Youth Leadership Conference held during the weekend of November 18 to 20 was a tremendous success. Youths gathered in Harare, Zimbabwe at the AMFCC Tabernacle, where there was an event unlike any other. Beginning with the Praise and Worship, the atmosphere was full of a mature anointing which is usually characteristic of non-youth events.
The worship team which arrived as early as Monday November 14th, set the pace for the conference, holding all night worship and prayer meetings at AMFCC Bible School during the entire week preceding the event.
Once the conference began, the speakers came with messages of deliverance, encouragement, as well as words of warning to the future leaders of tomorrow. Speakers included Reverend Washington Rupapa, the Secretary General of FIFMI, Apostle Kapandura, also known as “Commander” for his no-nonsense straight-talk style of preaching, Pastor Mrs Kapandura, as well as other powerful guests including Pastor Simamba from South Africa, Pastor Masango from Botswana.
In His message to the youth on Sunday, Reverend Rupapa urged the young people to maintain a lifestyle of prayer. He gave his testimony of how as youths, he and other young men would pray all night in the mountains, hold soul-winning crusades, and live a life in which they virtually feared to sin. They had a thirst for revival, and as a result, would spend much time seeking God whole-heartedly. It’s this kind of youth that the Secretary General was urging the attendees of the conference to become.
Apostle Kapandura also spoke a powerful message on Saturday which provoked the youth to leave their lifestyle of sin and instability. Pastor Mrs. Kapandura then followed on Saturday evening with a powerful sharing on the Holy Spirit, ushering hundreds of people in receiving the baptism as well as the refilling of the Holy Spirit.
On Sunday, Apostle Kapandura concluded the conference with an unwavering call to righteousness, asking provoking questions like “How can you be ruled and defeated by a body part which you sit on everyday?” and “How can a young girl allow a boy to touch her bottom, outside of marriage, and be a youth leader?” The crowd to stood on their feet shouting “Amens” for nearly 80% of “Commander’s” delivery.
The conference concluded with Holy Communion and a closing address from the International Youth Pastor, Pastor Calisto Manyati, who further encouraged the audience, and gave final instructions for youth leaders concerning future conferences.
For more information on FIFMI Youth for the Nations, please contact us at [email protected].