Stay Connected with the Apostles Updates Newsletter
Stay up to date with what’s happening in FIFMI all over the world, and what God is doing in this great work of the Kingdom. This weekly newsletter also helps you know what to pray for as you intercede for the work of God.
Apostles Update Week 46
Dear Friends, Happy 64th Anniversary ZAOGA FIFMI! INTERNATIONAL SPECIAL BIG TUESDAY We give glory to the God of Ezekiel for a successful International Special Big Tuesday held on November 19, 2024. This event marked an outstanding moment as ladies from all over the...
Apostles Update Week 45
Dear Friends, Happy 64th Anniversary ZAOGA FIFMI! BINDURA PROVINCE - ZIMBABWE The grace of the Lord was upon Bindura Province as they hosted our Mum, the Senior Archbishop Prof Eunor Guti for a Provincial Council and Big Sunday on the 16th -17th of November 2024. 847...
Apostles Update Week 44
Dear Friends, Happy 64th Anniversary ZAOGA FIFMI! BORROWDALE DISTRICT (ZIMBABWE) The 10th of November was a memorable day at Borrowdale District with the historic visit of the Senior Archbishop Prof Eunor Guti’s visit to Borrowdale District. A congregation of 850...
Experience The Miracle Working Power of Jesus Christ
What to Know More About ZAOGA FIFMI?
Forward in Faith Ministries International (FIFMI, also known as ZAOGA) is a worldwide ministry spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, and has reached over 160 nations. Founded by God through Apostle Dr. Ezekiel Guti in a humble remote village of Bindura, Zimbabwe, FIFMI has grown to become a global movement and is made up of thousands of churches full of love.
Invitation to A New Life
Maybe you’re seeking purpose or meaning, but just can’t seem to find it. Jesus offers the answer to our deepest longings. He says “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” You can experience the abundant life that only God can offer. Get true fulfillment and purpose.Find out how you can receive Jesus Today.

Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” John 4 vs 10
Restoration & transformation
What Are You Facing in Your Life Today? You can change your life at this very moment by turning to Jesus Christ. By receiving Jesus, you will receive the gift of eternal life, and also the access to abundant life here on earth. God desires for you to live a life that is abundant, and everlasting. (John 10 vs. 10)
Updated Online Store Coming Soon

Life Changing books and more
EGEA’s online store offers anointed books by Apostles Dr. Ezekiel Guti, Apostle Dr. Eunor Guti, and other great servants of God. Stay tuned for the updated shopping experience where you will find resources to deepen your faith and help you on your spiritual journey.