Apostles Update Week 25

by fifmi

June 18, 2012




Dear Friends 


¡Hola! Special greetings to all the intercessors,  


“I love the Lord, because He has heard my voice and my supplications.”
God continues to show His hand in Argentina. Sunday service was once again great. In addition to the regulars 7 local people attended the service and 3 of them got saved. They witnessed the power of God in a way they have never seen where people were falling as they were slain in the Spirit. Praise the Lord. They are excited about what God is doing in their lives. God is also at work answering our other prayers – the Mbuya Dorcas Hospital and Health Centre has been registered! This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. Hallelujah! Somebody stand up and give God some praise.  



¡Hola! is hello in Spanish  

This week:  

  1. Praise God for the Servant and Apostles of God, Drs Ezekiel & Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen them everyday.  Because of the work going on they have not been able to rest – they need grace from God. Praise God for giving the breakthrough for the church in Argentina and that people keep coming to the Lord and the church grows. Thank God for a smooth transition when Baba & Amai hand over the church to the missionaries who are going to continue nurturing the baby church – a quick ability to blend and bond with the people. Praise God for the visas that Baba & Amai need for the other countries that God has commissioned them to go to this year – He can give them favor with the Consulates. May He also provide finances for the travels and planting of the churches. Besides these things they have a burden for the Hospital, University and they are preparing for the Believers’ Conventions in June and July.
  2. Let’s thank God the Deeper Life Believers’ Conventions to be held in Dallas, Texas USA June 28-July 1, 2012 and Canada in July. Praise God for all the preparations for the Conventions and the Live Broadcasts in those nations. God is able to provide the necessary funds for the meetings. 
  3. Praise God for the preparations of the Singapore Explo. Let’s thank God for granting favor so we get permission from the authorities in that nation and provision of the funding. Thank God for more people so we can register the church there.    
  4. Praise God for the registration of the Hospital (Mbuya Dorcas Hospital and Health Centre).  The Casualty Ward (Emergency Rooms) plans to open it doors beginning of July by God’s grace. Let’s thank Him for all the logistics with regards to the employees and the hospital board that things will move with speed. Praise God for the digitizing of the X-ray machine – no setbacks. Praise God for the finishing touches to essential structural work.  
  5. Praise God for ZEGU. Students have started classes at AMFCC and they plan to move to the ZEGU site in July by God’s grace. Let’s thank God for no setbacks. Praise God for enabling the builders to complete all the buildings on time so we meet all the requirements from the government.   
  6. Praise God for the team that is planting an FIF church in Cyprus. Praise God for the success of the outreach last Wednesday – 3 people gave their lives to the Lord. May God grant them success as He always does.  
  7. Praise God for the team planting an FIF church in Samoa. May God continue to grant them success on their mission. (See picture below) 
  8. Praise God for all the FIF missionaries worldwide – those who’ve been there for a while and those that were posted this year. May the God of Ezekiel make Himself known to the people in those nations. Praise God for enabling them to penetrate and have breakthroughs among the indigenous people in those nations as they fulfill the vision.

TEACHING:  Anniversary message continued: Luke 10:38-42. Some people borrowed money and you didn’t know that things were going to change, now your house is being repossessed or foreclosed because you don’t have the money to pay back. As a member of FIF we open your mind through the word so you know when to buy and we teach when and how to buy so you don’t lose your fire for God because of problems. You need the fire of God to be able to resist poverty and the devil. The word of God causes you to be strong and causes the devil to be afraid of you. Don’t lose your fire and don’t get entangled with other things. Stay in the word. God bless you.


Believers in Samoa

We love you and are praying for you,
Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai


ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.

+1 678 468 0020

info@fifmi.org | www.fifmi.org 

International Headquarters 

 13A Powell Road  Waterfalls 

 Harare | Zimbabwe

P +263 4 2922957/8/6 +263 4 2923004/5/2/3

+263 4 2927921/3/2

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